EPS System with MotorSolve Generated PMSM Model and DQ/SVM Drive

Copy of EPS System with MotorSolve Generated PMSM Model and DQ/SVM Drive - on Tue, 10/27/2020 - 12:34


EPS System with MotorSolve Generated PMSM Model and DQ/SVM Drive_1

EPS System with MotorSolve Generated PMSM Model and DQ/SVM Drive

EPS System with MotorSolve Generated PMSM Model and DQ/SVM Drive

Test torque ripple

Power Steering System with MotorSolve Generated PMSM Model and DQ/SVM Drive

Power Steering System with MotorSolve Generated PMSM Model and DQ/SVM Drive

Why the RPH Zero in the EPS System